Interview with Boris Labbé – director of Ito Meikyū

At the crossroads of animation and digital, Boris Labbé is a hybrid artist who explores many formats and genres. Through drawing, he puts his artistic practice at the service of cinema, scenographic projects and now XR with the support of Sacrebleu Productions, a production company specializing in animated films (and successfully so!). His curiosity for new formats is a continuation of his work with Ito Meikyū, awarded the Venice Immersive  Grand Prize 2024.

Ito Meikyū was presented in Work-In-Progress at this year’s Annecy Festival 2024.

B. L. – VR implies a direct dialogue with the viewer, but the idea is not to convince all viewers immediately. Our aim with Sacrebleu is to push artistic standards to the limit, not to simplify the spectator’s approach. Of course, there will be texts in the exhibition to help you understand our approach, but Ito Meikyū is essentially a sensory and intuitive experience. What’s more, you can enjoy the VR work with all the creations on display.


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