Interview with Véronique Paradis – SAT

Unframed Collection is a partner of Numix Lab, a touring event in Europe that every year brings together professionals and experts in immersive creation to meet the cultural centres of the host countries. In 2024, Germany welcomed 250 people, with an intense week of exchanges and discoveries between Munich, Leipzig and Berlin! To mark the occasion, we met Véronique Paradis, Director of Innovation and Training at the Society for Arts and Technology (SAT).

SAT and the Programming of Immersive Works

Véronique Paradis – Originally, the SAT was mainly known for its immersive dome. We develop full-dome experiences, including films and performances. Our goal is to blend different disciplines while highlighting emerging artistic talent, particularly in electronic music, as it evolves toward more experimental forms.

A Laboratory for Imagining the Experiences of Tomorrow

V. P. – Beyond programming, the SAT is also a research and development center. We support experimentation in immersive creation by developing tools, software, and hardware to facilitate the production of innovative experiences. As part of this process, we invite creators to test these tools and explore new applications.

A Residency Space for Artists

V. P. – The SAT is also an artist center. Last year, we hosted 21 residencies, resulting in full-dome films, performances, and installations. Some of these projects remain in the prototyping stage, with a highly exploratory approach.

Notable Productions

V. P. – Among the works we have programmed, Entanglement by France Jobin and Markus Heckmann is an immersive performance that explores quantum physics, translating it into sound and visuals.

Collaborations and International Networks

V. P. – The SAT collaborates with several institutions in North America and Europe. Last year, we established a strategic alliance with Mutek, allowing us to share resources. This partnership enables the SAT to benefit from Mutek’s international network, while Mutek takes advantage of our infrastructure and expertise. We also have research and distribution partners in Europe, particularly in the full-dome sector.

Presence at Numix

V. P. – This is my second time attending Numix. This event is a great opportunity to showcase the strategic strength of our sector and demonstrate how the arts can influence other industries. It allows us to explore new formats, foster collaborations, and contribute to the visibility of artists and creators, both in Quebec and internationally.

Categories: Numix 2024
Mathieu Gayet:
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