Interview with Vincent Paccard – Viparis

Vincent Paccard - Viparis

The latest Numix Lab (between Brussels and Amsterdam, from December 4th to 8th, 2023) was an opportunity to examine the practices related to digital art and the venues that host them. An active 5-day immersion where Unframed Collection was able to set up its camera and interview those who connect XR creation with the general public.

Second guest: Vincent Paccard, Director of Entertainment and Experiences at Viparis, a network that owns and operates 12 major venues in Paris and its region. Viparis manages exhibition parks, convention centers, event venues, festivals, sports venues, or immersive spaces for a total of 800 professional and public events hosted each year.

Vincent PaccardLa Cité de l’Histoire at La Défense, formerly known as the Espace Grand Arche, was a congress and conference venue that we transformed into a cultural and entertainment destination. The cultural event creation, realization, and production company Amaclio invested the venue with dedicated historical and cultural content, including Éternelle Notre-Dame (Excurio/Emissive) in virtual reality. And here too, we can privatize the space for B2B clients.

What economic model(s)?

Vincent Paccard – There are several, with levers to test and refine. The demand for immersive experiences is proven, and we have integrated this underlying trend. Now we need to define the economic model that will allow us to operate the events.

Categories: Numix
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