At the crossroads of animation and digital, Boris Labbé is a hybrid artist who explores many formats and genres. Through drawing, he puts his artistic practice at the service of cinema, scenographic projects and now XR with the support of Sacrebleu Productions, a production company specializing in animated films (and successfully so!). His curiosity for…
After an initial list of 10 documentary experiences to discover in virtual reality, focus on those that offer a real immersion in history, and as many key dates to revisit. On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, we look back at one of the strengths of immersive experiences: reviving memories of the past,…
Adam Weingrod is the director of Spots of Light, a VR documentary that premiered at Venice Immersive in 2023. Telling the story of Dan Layani, a young Israeli soldier who lost his sight in combat in 1982, it’s a piece that, despite tragedy, shares a vision of life and the world filled with patience, passion…
Launched by HTC VIVE in 2017, VIVE Arts leverages digital technology to revolutionize the arts and culture sector. The initiative collaborates with museums and artists worldwide, creating immersive experiences that transform how art is exhibited, experienced, and preserved. Celina Yeh, Executive Director of VIVE Arts, shares insights on how VR is enhancing cultural engagement and…
There's no more exciting format for virtual reality than animation. If Guillermo Del Toro claims that “animation is cinema”, it's obvious that the creative and escapist capacity of animation is perfectly in tune with the possibilities of VR. And if we add real-time engines, which by their very nature create multi-dimensional images, the field of…
Over the last ten years, the documentary genre has been reinvented by virtual and augmented reality, with new possibilities for bearing witness to the world around us. From high-impact, educational works to interactive narratives, the field of possibilities is immense, and the effect on audiences immediate. It's an underlying trend, in line with the desire…
Working on the issue of distributing virtual reality content often comes down to the idea of a fixed location, capable of offering the best conditions for the public with a permanent hardware installation. Since the resurgence of consumer VR, many have questioned a more flexible, mobile distribution with turnkey solutions. This is a look back…
An iconic museum in Singapore's Marina Bay Sands, the ArtScience Museum offers new experiences and exhibitions where art meets science and technology. Since 2021 its VR Gallery has been a perennial immersive operating room offering continuous virtual reality content. Here's a look back at the installation with curators Jerome Chee and Rachel Wong. What…
The exhibition "Van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise. The Final Months" recently closed at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, with great public acclaim for this presentation of the artist's last weeks and his prolific artistic output. During the four months of the exhibition, visitors could also discover a virtual reality experience, VAN GOGH'S PALETTE (a Lucid Realities,…
Astrea and Unframed Collection have officially launched a collaboration for the online and offline distribution of their respective catalogues. This new joint initiative in the immersive sector aims to promote immersive experiences by drawing on Astrea and Unframed Collection’s complementary positioning and expertise. Astrea, known for its online distribution strategy of multi-award-winning immersive and narrative…